Kirk and Company sold our house BEFORE IT EVEN HIT THE MARKET!! They found the buyer and everything!! They also sold it without any commission for themselves and helped us build our new house!! Pleasure working with you!

Lee and Dionne E.

We have been in the market for a new home ... and are anticipating a move this summer. I work with computers and websites and this site is very impressive. My hats off to the IT Team that designed this site. If as much care and information is put into your work as you do with your website all Ive got to say is you must have one helluva business. Ive seen twenty five to thirty real estate websites thus far but none compare to this in any way shape or form. I dont know if this will reach the people you work for but I hope it does. Its blown the twenty five to thirty websites I visited right out of the water. Not to sound to crude but its finally nice to go to a website where they really care.

John B.

Yes Kirk! You saved me the $6,000 off of the house as you said you would, you kept in constant communication with me AND paid for me a home warranty for my home and I didn't have to pay you anything! Thanks Kirk and Company!

Helen H.

Kirk and Company's service was amazing! None of their services cost us anything out of pocket. Not only did they communicate with us weekly but whenever important information was sent to Kirk, they sent it to us. We always knew what was going on. They offered to sell the home for free if we didn't like it. They went above and beyond any of my past home buying experiences. I have already told my family and friends about my experience with Kirk and Company and will continue to do so. It is completely refreshing to find someone you can depend on with an important decision like purchasing a home. Kirk, Thanks for everything.

Warren and Janice H.

Not only did Kirk and Company sell our home for our FULL ASKING PRICE... BUT THEY SOLD IT FOR FREE,  just so that we could buy another home!! We have already referred 2 of our family members!

Rami and Sophia M.
Crown Point

What our clients are saying...

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