How does this Guarantee work? FREE Report Details How!

Selling a home can be stressful! It is our goal to take away the stress and the question of whether or not your home will sell! We offer this exclusive program as peace of mind to our clients.

Almost 50% of homes that were listed in the Northwest Indiana market did NOT sell the first time they were listed, per our MLS, and those sellers had to call another agent to sell their home. This is a very REAL worry of many local sellers. Our goal is to take this worry away and give our sellers the peace of mind that their home WILL sell: to another buyer or to Kirk & Company!

Kirk’s goal is NOT to own your home, but to sell it for the most money! Kirk & Company will market the home to buyers at its full market value, and if it sells, you get the benefit of the higher price. It’s a win-win for you.

Fill out the form to get a report that details the inner workings of this exclusive seller guarantee or CALL US now at 219-293-8494!